
Showing posts from July, 2020

File handling in JAVA

package com.lalita_ent ; import ; public class Main { public static void main (String[ ] args) { File x = new File( "C: \\ test.txt" ) ; if (x.exists()) { System. out .println(x.getName() + " Its exists!" ) ; } else { System. out .println( "The file does not exist" ) ; } } }

Java(Take input from user)

package com.lalita_ent ; import java.util.Scanner ; public class Main{ public static void main (String args[]) { Scanner scan= new Scanner(System. in ) ; System. out .println( "Enter the value of x >>>" ) ; int x= scan.nextInt() ; if (x>= 18 ) { System. out .println( "Congratulations!! You are eligible for voting." ) ; } else { System. out .println( "Sorry!! You are not eligible for voting." ) ; } } }

Java First Program

package com.lalita_ent ; public class Main { public static void main (String args[]) { System. out .println( "Hello Lalita" ) ; String name= "Manan" ; System. out .println(name) ; int a= 4 ; float c , b= 22.32f ; c=a+b ; boolean stat1= false; System. out .println(b) ; System. out .println(c) ; System. out .println(stat1) ; } }

Python class method

class   Employee ():     no_of_leave= 8        def   __init__ ( self ,  aname ,  arole ,  asalary ):          self .name=aname          self .role=arole          self .salary=asalary      def   printdetails ( self ):          return   f "Name is  {self .name } , his role is  {self .role }  and salary is  {self .salary }  "      @ classmethod      def   change_leaves ( cls ,  new_leaves ):          cls .no_of_leave=new_leaves          manu=Employee( "Manan" ,  "Manager" ,  50000 ) chanu=Employee( "Manan" ,  "Engineer" ,  70000 )...

python>>self and __init__

class   Employee ():     no_of_leave= 8        def   __init__ ( self ,  aname ,  arole ,  asalary ):          self .name=aname          self .role=arole          self .salary=asalary      def   printdetails ( self ):          return   f "Name is  {self .name } , his role is  {self .role }  and salary is  {self .salary }  " manu=Employee( "Manan" ,  "Manager" ,  50000 ) chanu=Employee( "Manan" ,  "Engineer" ,  70000 ) #"Manan" # manu.role="Manager"    # manu.salary=50000 "Ketan" chanu.role= "Engineer"     chanu.salary= 70000 print (manu.salary,manu.no_of_leave, print (manu. __...

Learning Python language

# This commnent # import cv2 # import math # # print("Hello World") # # print(7+7) # # print(math.gcd(3,6)) # a=34 # # b="Devendra" # # c=45.32 # d=2 # # print(a+c) # # print(c/d) # # typeA=type(a) # # typeB=type(b) # # typeC=type(c) # # print(typeC) # # print(a+c) # # e="31" # # e=int(e) # # print(e+2) # # e=type(e) # # print(e) # name="  Devendra, Manan, Ketan  " # # print(name) # # print(name[2:6]) # # print(name.strip()) # # print(len(name)) # # var=name.lower() # # var=name.upper() # # print(var) # # var=name.replace("e", "a") # # var=name.replace(",","\n") # # # print(var) # # stri1="This is a" # #...

Canvas using Python

from  tkinter  import  * root=Tk() canvas_width= 800 canvas_height= 400 root.title( "GUI with Dev" ) root.geometry( f " { canvas_width } x { canvas_height } " ) can_widget=Canvas(root,  width =canvas_width,  height =canvas_height) can_widget.pack()  can_widget.create_line( 0 , 0 ,  800 , 200 ,  fill = "red" )   can_widget.create_line( 0 , 400 ,  800 , 0 ,  fill = "red" )   can_widget.create_rectangle( 3 , 7 , 700 , 300 ,  fill = "red" ) can_widget.create_text( 200 , 200 ,  text = "Devendra" ) can_widget.create_oval( 200 , 100 , 20 , 10  ) root.mainloop()

Python Program with GUI Tkinter

from  tkinter  import * root = Tk() def   getvals ():     print ( "its work" )   root.geometry( "500x200" )  Label(root, text = "Welcome to Lalita Travels" ,  font = "comic 13 bold" ).grid( row = 0 ,  column = 3 ) name=Label(root,  text = "Name" ) phone=Label(root,  text = "Phone number" ) gender=Label(root,  text = "Gender" ) emergency=Label(root,  text = "Emergancy Contact" ) name.grid( row = 1 ,  column = 2 ) phone.grid( row = 2 ,  column = 2 ) gender.grid( row = 3 ,  column = 2 ) emergency.grid( row = 4 ,  column = 2 ) name_value=StringVar() phone_value=IntVar() gender_value=StringVar() emergency_value=IntVar() name_entry=Entry(root,  textvariable =name_value) phone_entry=Entry(root,  textvariable =phone_value) gender_entry=Entry(root,  textvariable =gender_value) emergency_entry=Entr...